Saturday 29 December 2012



Can you please consider  joining our wee group it is all part of your voice hear in Dalmeny.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

                                         The other alternative Christmas message brought to you by us

By now the the big clean up after all the festivities of the 25th December are starting to take place . Was it all worth it. I will not debate it here I will lave it up to you. I do have an opinion about the sales which start on the morning of the 26th.This morning I looked out from blogger towers  at 0430 hrs ( dalmeny time) only to see taxis picking up people I know who work in shops. I trust that the fare will be paid by their employers as most will be on low minimum wage and one I know is only 17 & has just left school.

Anyway back to our little part of East Renfrewshire there is little to report The ongoing a saga about the transfer of the hall to a local boxing club is still going on I am  still weighting a reply on several questions on the issue.

This now takes me to what are you doing with all the wast from the holiday I trust you will dispose of your rubbish in the proper manner and not fly tip anything.
 All local tenants will have seen the lead in the last issue of the tenants news letter. Above photo was used with our permeation.

                                       I will leave now and and will return soon.  

Monday 24 December 2012

                                               I hope that all  will have a happy time.

Friday 21 December 2012

Are people are not getting their heating fixed in the social rented sector?.
Is this what our country has come to. I seem to recall a former onetime government minister stating people (old ) can sit in their homes with outdoor coats on. .

So mush for being honorable people!  

Anyway we hope all the kids out there have a fabulous time .
  A I think this is what I will do to laptop. 

Tuesday 18 December 2012

                                                                         Hi Gang
          Only a few days to go and I was taking my life in my hands by going down to the shopping mall in  Breahead you would think it was the end of the world.

You will have to forgive me as laptop is in the blink and the old desk top is not as good  however I do like the typing position.

                             We wish you & yours all the best over the holliday.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

It is  a cold day so try and keep warm .
Last night I was at a meeting at Barrhead Housing a verry good meeting and all wet well mot about the their forthcoming budget for next year
To all out there two weeks to Christmass so be good to each other and your self.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

                                        I hope you do not think of your computer this way

At our last meeting inn the council offices several items were discussed including issues about the re wiring of council homes. The issues raise by tenants are being acted upon and it is hoped we will see an improvement in the service recived..

Our council are now taking legal advice on he on going issue of the block of flats in Kerr Sr. We will update on this issue soon

                                          YES IT IS THAT TIME OF MONTH

                                                                           For a bit of fun

                         Remember the December doo it will get you out and in to a nice warm place.
                                                                           you will not ne lonely.

Monday 10 December 2012

It is a cold day and I am not looking forward to going out to the meeting tonight.But I will be there

I hope all are keeping warm and that you remember to look in on someone who may be at risk .

                 I was cleaning out to day and came across old letter with a long forgoten heading.

 Be back soon

Sunday 9 December 2012

Well time goes on what will happen to our wee hall? As you all know we have tried to bring things to the hall with out any suport .

By this time all tenants of East Renfrewshire  Council  will have recived their copy of the news letter. You will have seen the article on fly tipping. I trust that all this tipping will stop.

                                 We will be back to morrow after the meeting at the council offices       

Thursday 6 December 2012

With all the cuts

             To quote an old saying it is better to give than receive. How true this is. Last weekend down at reuseit people arrived looking for the council amenity when it was explained to them just what this project was about they were only too happy to leave what they had. On looking  arround they mad a small purchase. On leaving the commented if gave them a good felling just to give something . 

We must try and take what is being spun in the popular press with an open mind and just not take everything in that is printed in the media or in the on line version's.

 May I refer to the latest buzzword or mantra from parts of the right wing press which is pension scrounger.  

I will be attending a briefing meeting soon on the cuts and what is happening and will post a summery A S A P.

As for now please look after each other and look in on any vulnerable person you may know about .
It is not interfering it is about care.

                                                              Have a nice day all.


It is cold

               What a morning out there it is getting colder or is it me getting older ?,
 As it is getting near Christmass we should think of all the people out there less fortunate than us.

Loneliness is one of the worst things out there.
On Monday I will be attending a meeting down at the council offices  I will report back after this meeting.  
Remember people out there keep warm.  
And be happy.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Our wee hall

Last night we attended a meeting down in the hall it appears that the Barrhead Boxing Club are keen to take over management of the hall. We have assurance that the hall will still be available for other uses including elections
Any views  to
Please make contact with us

Sunday 2 December 2012

Dalmeny tra news

It has come to our notice as part of the cuts in local government spending the garden assistance program my be scraped. This can only affect the most vulnerable of our close friendly comunity.
The only people who will suffer will be the old & infirm.This may also lead to redundancy not a nice thing for any one as some of us will know.
If you have any views let uds know at
We will pass your coments allong.
 We understand that there in going to be a meeting in what is still our wee hall. This appears to be a bout the transfer of control of the hall. We have not been informed about this meeting. We will try and find out more.

                           There is more bad weather coming so stay warm & well.